A terrifying world where each hour is a nightmare.Demons in formal attire pay regular visits,and the last thing you may remember before the melodious lullaby drags you to sleep maybe a long and hideous equation swarmed with ancient Greek alphabets.And they shall occupy all your memory locations,consuming them gradually until one fine April morning when everything you can think of appears before you as 1s and 0s.And then,as tiring night outs frequent,as sleep becomes luxury,as even a stroll to the canteen with friends to enjoy your share in that small cup of tea becomes an impossible dream...you may want to throw that 5 kilogram weight of an engineering mechanics textbook out of the window and run away from the god forsaken place...And so the truth remains:if there was another bachelors degree course which can provide job opportunities as much as B.Tech does,most of us would have been somewhere else by now. Before Kreyzig drove us crazy,before Shames pushed us in to this damned hav...